Weaving Fighter Ruined My Life | Ferdinand von Aegir(s) vs. Legendary Corrin Abyssal Hero Battle FEH

Описание к видео Weaving Fighter Ruined My Life | Ferdinand von Aegir(s) vs. Legendary Corrin Abyssal Hero Battle FEH

I feel like Weaving and Canny fighters came and went pretty quick from the community consciousness. They showed up, were pretty crazy strong, and then immediately got dogpiled by the much more concerning slew of pre-combat damage units like Camilla and Lyon, and later Ike and his cohort of... interesting times. Add that to the fact that they've only been one one summonable unit a piece - they're fairly rare skills that are lurking just beyond the reaches of most contemporary discussion.

Did I mention they're strong tho? It's the Weaving Fighter Lance Knight that sets the tone of this whole clear - not Corrin.

With a staggering 80%/40% damage reduction, -4 atk, and a self heal, this Lance Knight is a dang pain to remove with the Ferdinands. Add to that the fact that our friend has two pocket healers that he can swoop into protect and it's not quite possible to get the right Ferdinands in the right places to remove this guy in a timely manner, which is a problem because all hell is about to rain down.

I'm not a huge fan of Ferdinand's signature weapon, Stoutheart Lance, but with the amount of debuffs flying around here, it can finally see some action over Luin, inverting the enemy attack and resistance debuffs to use them in our favor.

Using our tank Ferdie with Stoutheart, we hold the line on the right side while positioning to snipe enemies on the left. While we can't really make big progress on the right at the moment, we are setting up some maneuvers with Anima's special CD for later, and keeping the healers busy by forcing them to heal up the knight over and over.

Once Corrin starts moving, it's of the utmost importance that he's separated forcefully from his wyvern companion, who grants Corrin an extra space of movement with Rein Snap, so that we have some room to maneuver around him given that the whole right side of the map is still gummed up.

With a bit of clever positioning and snag procs, we can flip Dark up onto the trench to circumvent the movement penalty Cavs get on trenches and finish off the wyvern with Galeforce before retreating down to buy time.

With the save Knight tied up in AI healer jail, most of the enemies are now within our reach for the usual hit and run Ferdinand antics, and all that's left to do is to de-fang Corrin by picking off his nearby allies to deactivate his ally based skills.

Once that's done he bounces off our tank, losing half his health in the process, and making mopping up in the leftover puddle pretty easy.

I don't quite want to say Corrin was a pushover, as this did take some finessing of special cooldowns and minor support, and he's reasonably offensively dangerous - but he's no Weaving Fighter Lance Knight.

At least it wasn't an axe...

#fireemblemheroes #feheroes #feh


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