sea of dreams 英語版

Описание к видео sea of dreams 英語版


Feel how the air is changing
Feel how the breeze is new
Somehow the wind
Just like a friend
Beckons you

Leading you toward adventure
There just beyond the shore
To treasures untold
Legends of old
And so much more
We're headed for...

A Sea of Dreams, Sea of Wonder
Sea of Dreams, hear it call
Through the mist your future gleams
Sailing free on a sea of dreams

Heading for new horizons
Under a bright blue sky
By mountains and cavers
Over the waves
How we'll fry
Bring your imagination
But leave all your caves behind
We've journeys to take
Memories to make
The lasting kind
Cause here you'll find

A Sea of Dreams, Sea of Wonder
Sea of Dreams, hear it call
Through the mist your future gleams
Sailing free on a sea...

There's a new sense of adventure
In the salty air
On a voyage to thrilling destination
And the feeling of excitement is beyond compare
For never before has there been such a seaside sensation
Then here at our fifth anniversary year celebration...
(at Tokyo Disney)sea...
Sea of Wonder
Sea of Dreams, hear it call
Through the mist your future gleams
Sailing free on a sea of dreams, of dreams...

You and me
Sailing free
On a Sea
Of Dreams

Tokyo Disney Sea of Dreams


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