Flight Formula: Innova RocX3

Описание к видео Flight Formula: Innova RocX3

Disc golf is usually lots of fun, offering the perfect blend of outdoor activity, strategy, and friendly competition. But then, there's the wind. That mischievous force of nature can turn a routine throw into a chaotic dance of unpredictability. One moment, your disc is sailing smoothly toward the target; the next, it's veering off course, caught in a gust like a leaf in a storm. Overcome the menacing wind by reaching for a disc that can cut through and maintain its course, the Innova RocX3.

Derived from our trusted Roc3 Mid-Range, the RocX3 retains its signature features: a flat flight plate, concave lower rim, and small protective bead. With an added blunted nose, the RocX3 combats headwinds while preserving its dependable fade, allowing for confidence in any wind scenario.

With its [5] speed, the RocX3 is easy to power up, complemented by a [4] glide that helps get the disc to its target. The [0] turn maintains a straight flight path, while the extra beefy [3.5] fade marks the RocX3's signature design.

Backhand throws produce a straight flight accompanied by a pronounced, dependable fade. Forehand players will particularly value its torque resistance; the RocX3 can be hit hard and still stay true.

Mastering the elements is part of disc golf's allure, but battling winds without the right equipment can be daunting. Make your stormy rounds a breeze and defy the whims of the wind with the Innova RocX3.




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