How to be a top performing intern?

Описание к видео How to be a top performing intern?

Do you want to be a top performing intern?

However, at the internship, the associates shouts ‘this is not what I wanted you to research!’

What happened?

The associate asks the intern to research without giving the big picture and explaining why the research needs to be done. The intern understands parts of it. By the time, the intern reached his desk, he doesn’t even remember the research proposition correctly. It’s too late or too embarrassing to even ask now. The intern gives the research of whatever he comes up in the internet and shares it with the associate. The associate shouts that this is not what he wants and the intern has to research all over again. This time the intern asks his colleagues around or even a senior on a phone call to help him out.

The intern needs to understand the problem first…

The law firm associates or lawyers are time pressed. They have deadlines to meet and bosses/clients to report to. They usually won’t have time to explain appropriately on what they want and why do they want it.

What to do?

Hack no. 1- Good old pen and paper. Or these days law students carry their tablets, laptops and mobiles.

Immediately jot down points. What the associate wants the research on may appear casual not significant. But, it should be noted down asap.

Also, do ask your associate to clarify.
‘Sir, is this what you wanted’. If yes, great. If not, the associate will clarify and the intern can note down.

Hack no 2- You can try and ask if there’s a head start they can get on the research? Where they might look up? Some sources, which they can share. Or

Sir, this is how I am thinking about this problem. Is it the correct way to go about?

More often than nought, the associate or the lawyer will appreciate your efforts. It’ll ultimately save time of the firm/associate/lawyer/intern.

#lawstudent #lawyer #internship #bombayhighcourt


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