Intriguing Mestiza de Sangley Filipina Lady • 1875 • Extended Edition.

Описание к видео Intriguing Mestiza de Sangley Filipina Lady • 1875 • Extended Edition.

An Enchanting & Unknown 'Mestiza de Sangley' Filipina Lady • Portrait Circa 1875.
Portraits featured in this presentation were originally photographed in monochrome • black & white .. By the Dutch Photographer, Mr Francisco Van Camp, at a studio in Manila, Philippines.. During the late 19th Century • Circa 1875 to 1880.
In her Portrait, the 'Mestiza' is holding in her left hand a half-open fan, this signified that she was a single lady, when this photograph was originally captured in 1875.
Based upon photographs captured by Mr Van Camp, this mysterious 'Filipina Mestiza', was a 'Mujer de la Clase Rica', translated from Spanish, it means a 'Woman of the Wealthy Class'.
Some of the Portraits featured, have more recently been enhanced & or colourized, to bring out the finer details, for best visual effect.
The Identity's • Names of all the Filipina ladies featured, are unfortunately Not Known.
This Presentation is Dedicated to their Memory 🎭
Created for Entertainment & Informative Purposes 🎭
This is "The Director's Cut - Extended Edition" 🎭
For Best Image Quality - View Video in 'HD' Mode.
Slideshow Duration ; 2:29 Minutes.
Presented & Created By; Michael Neo Studio 2024 ©


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