SCZ Neural Sim - Esther & Falconer [78550]

Описание к видео SCZ Neural Sim - Esther & Falconer [78550]

Give It All - FFXIV

New Fenny sure is something - we knew she would be tailored for Lyfe but ho boy is she strong. Don't think she'll be seeing the bench anytime soon.

Esther (4.7s)
Opener is a little tricky here, and without mobile auto-aim you have to roll for a good opener so she doesn't fly around all over the place, but overall she gets absolutely obliterated. Need to wait until spawn to use the Lyfe skill at the start here because you actually need the forward motion to get in range of the boss, since she spawns so far away. Then you need to also hold on the Kaguya support skill until it actually tags the boss, otherwise it wont go through - this is very late into the animation so it's not a super clean/fast cancel like last week. After that just dodge and pew pew until dead (4 dodge attacks to kill).

Fenny's skill is seamless (no swap out) so you can use it whenever (i just spam it on spawn) and it wont affect the timings. Now the downside to Starshine though is that damn M1 - its rng proc means that it's possible for Lyfe to get full bar faster for each Fenny M1 proc you get. 12% is super low so if you want to bald for absolute fastest time it gets really really rng heavy because you need to grind for extremely lucky procs. Every couple shots saved is another 0.1s of time, so there will basically always be a little headroom to theoretically improve scores with this team just based purely on rng alone. I'm honestly not a fan, I wish it was just an extra bullet every x shots so it was consistent.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight - M5T2 Nova
Fenny - Starshine - M2T2 Reverie
Acacia - Kaguya - M4T2 Amarna

Esther (4.3s)
This MX5 team is actually the faster clear on this boss, BUT MX5 ends up saving more time on the Falconer (Cherno) team than on this one, so it's suboptimal for overall score.

This run is way easier than the other one - you just put the keb up and then skill dodge shoot dodge shoot dodge on the keb, completely ignoring the boss - you barely even have to aim. The only thing that matters here is your Starshine M1 rng and Lyfe dodge timing. 4.2s is absolutely possible - I've seen a coulpe people with it already, and I'm sure 4.1 or 4.0 is also doable in theory since there's so much overkill damage on the last dodge shot - it just becomes a question of giga M1 rng, which reaaaaaallly sucks. No point pushing this time though since unless you get much faster it'll still be worse overall than the kaguya run.

Lyfe - Infinite Sight - M5T2 Nova
Fenny - Starshine - M2T2 Reverie
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Amarna

Ni-Type Mech - Falconer (9.8s)
Typical Cherno MX5 run, although damage is super tight - I'm not just using the second ball on cd, I need to dump some extra bullets before first pop just to meet damage check. Boss running at you move is actually kinda better than other moves for this strat, because it means he doesn't body block the keb after your ult (and that bullet damage does matter here). Can absolutely be pushed faster, especially with better Cherno logis for damage and better M1 stack RNG.

Cherno - Enigma - M5T2 Dziady
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Mauxir - Shadow Ka - M5T2 Twilight

Ni-Type Mech - Falconer (10.7s)
This is the run you have to do if you take MX5 on Esther - despite Enya giving slightly better buffs you lose all of the Cherno gun damage and have worse stacking power (due to not proc'ing M1 on riccochets), which ends up meaning overall damage is noticably worse than the MX5 run. So in the end you need to do a manual full stack pop, then a short pop after ult (and making use of the extra stacks M5 Cherno gets refunded from the first pop). Ran 1 haste line, because otherwise you get hard blocked on ball cd for the first pop, although my max line is way overkill because I need to extend my shooting before the 3rd ball anyways otherwise I wont have full stacks. Again, you can probably mald for better Cherno stack RNG (both M1 procs AND riccochet RNG here to contend with) to get a faster kill - damage is less of a problem with this strat compared to the other one.

Cherno - Enigma - M5T2 Dziady
Tess - The Magician - M5T2 Hjartagard
Enya - Exuvia - M3T2 Areca

0:00 Esther 4.7s (Kaguya)
0:28 Esther 4.3s (MX5)
0:48 Falconer 9.8s (MX5)
1:28 Falconer 10.7s (Exuvia)

Week of 2024-07-23


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