Simple & Delicious Bacon & Onion Quiche Lorraine | 簡單好吃煙肉洋蔥法式鹹批|洛林鹹派|Brunch Recipe | 早午餐食譜

Описание к видео Simple & Delicious Bacon & Onion Quiche Lorraine | 簡單好吃煙肉洋蔥法式鹹批|洛林鹹派|Brunch Recipe | 早午餐食譜

Bacon & Onion Quiche Lorraine | 煙肉洋蔥法式鹹批|洛林鹹派|Brunch Recipe | 早午餐食譜 |This rusty looking quiche is so simple, it tastes great hot and cold. Love it! 這道法式鹹批容易做,冷熱都很好吃!

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Ingredients|食材 (Serving|份量: 9")

Pie Crust|餅皮:
180g plain flour 中筋麵粉
100g of cold unsalted butter 凍無鹽牛油
1/2 tsp of sea salt 海鹽
1 tbsp of sugar 砂糖
2 to 3 tbsp of cold water 凍水

1/2 of a big onion or 1 small onion 洋蔥
100g of smoked pancetta or ham 煙肉或者火腿
6 large eggs 雞蛋
3/4 cup of cooking cream or full-fat milk 煮食忌廉或全脂牛奶
1/4 tsp of sea salt 海鹽
1/4 tsp of ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese 帕瑪森芝士
1 cup of shredded Cheddar cheese 車打芝士

Background Music: Fresh Fallen Snow by Chris Haugen




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