Wall Bug & Dead Bug Progression - Kinetic U Exercise Series

Описание к видео Wall Bug & Dead Bug Progression - Kinetic U Exercise Series

Kinetic U Exercise Series - Wall Bug & Dead Bug Progression

"Hey, guys. Welcome back to Kinetic U. Now we're going to introduce the Wall Bug. Let me show you the progressions to that, the Full Dead Bug, and then even the Dead Bug on a foam roller. So, let's get to it.

So next, you're going to lay on your back with your head about two to three inches away from the wall. From there, you're going to take your hands, you're going to place them right above the shoulders, and the knees up, right above the hips. So, you have a 90-degree angle right here, and a 90-degree angle at the knees.

From there, you're going to automatically facilitate the anterior core by pressing into the wall. From there, it's essential that you keep the rib cage down. Set the ribcage before you proceed into moving the leg. So, you're going to be here. Press, rib cage down, and then, exhale and extend the leg. Just like that.

Now, if that's too challenging, you can keep the knee bent, and touch your heel to the floor. Again, it's vital to keep that rib cage down the entire time. Don't hold your breath. Keep breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

When you're ready to advance, you're going to scoot away from the wall. And get into the Full Dead Bug position, with the hands above the shoulders, and the knees above the hips, at a 90-degree angle here, and a 90-degree angle right there. From there, set the rib cage down, and exhale.

Now, if this becomes easy, you can always add a full breath while you're holding the extended position. So, as you're exhaling when you go out, keep the rib cage down. You can always add that full breath, from the belly, in through the nose, out through the mouth, and then return.

Now, the progression after that is with the foam roller. Thank you, Nate. You're going to lie, your spine along the roller, with your head and your tailbone in contact. From there, you're going to have your fingertips on the ground, your toes on the ground, and the knee up in the same position.

Now, if you have the shoulder mobility, try to touch the thumb to the floor, while still keeping that rib cage down. You never want to bring the heel down towards the ground, kind of throwing your hip in the extension and possibly your lower back in the extension. So, don't worry about bringing your heel all the way to the ground, though you're more than welcome to try and touch the thumbs to the floor, as long as you're able to maintain stability through that core.

It's an amazing exercise. It's one of the best. Have fun with it, and be kinetic."

Instructor: Sean Masters of Kinetic Sports Rehab




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