Tachinideae : Erycia furibunda parasitizing Euphydryas aurinia

Описание к видео Tachinideae : Erycia furibunda parasitizing Euphydryas aurinia

Erycia furibunda (Zetterstedt, 1844) is a fly (Diptera) from the family Tachinidae parasitizing caterpillars of the Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia). This tachinid puts fully developed larva (instar 1) in the silken nests of the Marsh Fritillary. The larva (maggot) penetrates the skin and develops inside the body of the caterpillar (endoparasite).

Identified by Hans-Peter Tschorsnig

Herting, B., 1960 - Biologie der Westpaläarktischen Raupenfliegen (Diptera: Tachinidae). Monographien zur angewandten Entomologie 16: 188pp; Berlin (Parey)

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