Layens Frames

Описание к видео Layens Frames

I’ve wanted to get into beekeeping for quite some time. However, I’m finally able to as we no longer live in an HOA. Traditional beekeeping never quite made sense to me. However, when I came across natural beekeeping it just seemed to make sense and seemed very logical. So, I decided to dive into it.

Being how I’m a hobby woodworker I decided to build the Layens frames myself. I got the plans, wire, and beeswax foundation off They aren’t paying me to link them. It’s where I got the plans wire and Layens foundation.

00:00 Intro
00:14 Sides
02.31 Bottom Bar
04:04 Top Bar
07:27 Frame Assymbly
08:53 Wiring Frame
12:31 Installing Beeswax Foundation

#LayensFrame #Woodworking #Beekeeping


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