饒益有情,十二神將的願力守護《藥師琉璃光佛大陀羅尼呪》3首_溫和版(梵音)1小時 | 十二藥叉大將咒+藥師灌頂真言 The Great Dharani of Medicine Buddha

Описание к видео 饒益有情,十二神將的願力守護《藥師琉璃光佛大陀羅尼呪》3首_溫和版(梵音)1小時 | 十二藥叉大將咒+藥師灌頂真言 The Great Dharani of Medicine Buddha


Namo ratna trayaya, namo Kumbira, Vajra, Mekhala, Andara,

Anila, Sanila, Indala, Vapila, Mahura, Sindala, Caudhula, Vikala,

namo bhagavate, bhaisajya guru, vaidurya prabha rajaya,

tathagataya, arhate, samyaksambodhaya, tadyatha,

om, bhaisajye, bhaisajye, bhaisajya, samud gate, svaha.

《陀羅尼集經》 阿地瞿多 譯
『那謨囉怛那跢囉夜耶 那謨金毘羅 和耆囉 彌佉羅 安陀羅 
摩尼羅 素藍羅 因達羅 婆耶羅 
摩休羅 真特羅 照頭羅 毘伽羅 
那謨毘舍闍瞿留 毘𠺕囄耶 鉢囉頗囉闍耶 跢姪他 
毘舍是 毘舍是 毘舍闍 娑摩揭帝 莎訶』




The Great Dharani of the Medicine Buddha is included in the "Collection of Dharanis" and is also known as the "Vow-Mantra of the Twelve Yaksha Generals to Benefit Sentient Beings." This sacred mantra combines the names of the Twelve Yaksha Generals with the Medicine Buddha's empowerment mantra, embodying the infinite compassion and blessings of the Buddha, transcending time and space.

Reciting this mantra not only aligns practitioners with the boundless radiance of the Medicine Buddha but also invokes the protection of the Twelve Yaksha Generals, who serve as guardians of life itself. Like a guiding lamp, this mantra illuminates every shadow of suffering, liberating beings from all afflictions and enabling the fulfillment of every aspiration. It leads practitioners toward peace, freedom, and ultimate enlightenment in the light of the Buddha's grace.

Benefits of Reciting The Great Dharani of Medicine Buddha
1.Elimination of Karmic Obstacles: Lightens the burden of past karma, aiding liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
2.Enhanced Blessings and Longevity: Safeguards the health and well-being of practitioners, extending life while increasing wisdom and merit.
3.Removal of Calamities: Shields practitioners from accidents and disasters, steering them away from adversity.
4.Spiritual Healing: Calms the mind, alleviates stress, and reveals the innate purity within.
5.Attraction of Positive Connections: Draws the blessings of the Medicine Buddha and the Twelve Yaksha Generals, improving life circumstances and fostering favorable conditions.
6.Assisting Others' Liberation: Offers prayers for the benefit of sentient beings, enhancing their merit and wisdom.

Video Description
This video features a loop of three gentle and soothing songs.

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