八部金刚功 JingGangGong 9遍 镜像跟练版 张至顺道长原声口令+字幕 每日辰时跟着道爷一起练 祛病强身更年轻

Описание к видео 八部金刚功 JingGangGong 9遍 镜像跟练版 张至顺道长原声口令+字幕 每日辰时跟着道爷一起练 祛病强身更年轻

Video teaching of JinGangGong by 104-year-old Daoist Zhang Zhishun,mirror-image edition

《八部金刚功》是疏通经络祛病养生之功法,从“通利三焦“发动全身的气机开始逐个锻炼脏腑。“肾为先天之本,脾为后天之本”故“固肾腰“后,以 “调理脾肤”(肤指皮肤与肌肉之间的细胞组织),继而是“左肝右肺”,对〝君主之官” 的心脏用“回头望足去心疾”来调理。这正是《黄帝内经》所示的顺序,具有练一脏巩固一脏之功用。并对一些潜伏的“五劳七伤”身疾以“神光向后瞧” 来扫除它,祛病强身。最后通过 “凤凰展翅周身力”和“两足顿顿饮嗜消”的功法使全身经络血脉畅通,消除饮食阻滞,戒除不良嗜好,预防各种疾病,从而达圆满之功效。

本频道播放列表(八部金刚功+八部长寿功跟练合集):   / @hugochen56283  
八部金刚功 起源及作用原理:   • 张至顺道长:八部金刚功起源及作用原理  
八部金刚功 5遍 镜像跟练版:    • 八部金刚功 JingGangGong 5遍 镜像跟练版 张至顺道长原声口令...  
八部金刚功 9遍 镜像跟练版:   • 八部金刚功 JingGangGong 9遍 镜像跟练版 张至顺道长原声口令...  
八部金刚功 5遍 五行配乐版:   • 八部金刚功 JinGangGong 5遍 五行配乐版 张至顺道长原声口令+...  
八部金刚功 9遍 五行配乐版:   • 八部金刚功 JinGangGong 9遍 五行配乐标准版 张至顺道长原声口...  
八部金刚功 动作细节详解:   • 八部金刚功:动作细节详解,以及注意事项  
八部金刚功 注意事项:   • 张至顺道长:练习八部金刚功注意事项,关于女人,老人,时间,方法  
八部金刚功 出现排病反应不要怕:   • 张至顺道长:刚开始练习八部金刚功,如果出现排病反应不要怕  
八部金刚功 起源及作用原理:   • 张至顺道长:八部金刚功起源及作用原理  
八部金刚功 "方拳"的标准握法:    • 八部金刚功 "方拳"的标准握法  

八部长寿功 镜像跟练版:   • 八部长寿功 ChangShouGong 镜像跟练版 张至顺道长原声口令+字...  

Jin Gang Gong applies the natural law of "the unity of heaven and people", combined with the traditional Chinese medicine theory of "Yin and Yang and five elements", and uses the Qi of rigid internal force through eight sets of actions to dredge the meridians of the whole body, so that the connection of the body, bones and joints is unblocked, and some deformation and dislocation of the spine and vertebrae are adjusted, so that the nervous system returns to normal; At the same time, coordinate the operation of the five zang organs and six Fu organs to eliminate all kinds of diseases in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of yin-yang balance, disease elimination and fitness, and longevity.


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