忌廉雞湯 | 一個應該好多人都喜歡的湯

Описание к видео 忌廉雞湯 | 一個應該好多人都喜歡的湯

從小到大都非常喜歡喝忌廉類的西式湯,而忌廉雞湯更是我的摯愛。不論是西餐廳又或是港式茶餐廳的白湯,我對cream soup 都是情有獨鍾,總上愛上掛在嘴邊的感覺。在我的第二本食譜書《鹹蝦燦味道日誌》,我更分享了白湯和紅湯的做法。片中也憶起了對亡友的遺憾,食物真的帶給了我們不同的味,甜、酸、苦、辣,這也是我們大家都要嚐盡的人生味道啊!

雞髀肉 200克 ,切幼條
洋蔥 1個,切條
新薯 1-2個,切粒
無鹽牛油 適量
麵粉 ,1茶匙
雞肉上湯 800毫升
全脂牛奶 100毫升
甜紅椒 1/2個,切粒
海鹽 適量
胡椒粉 適量
意大利蕃茜 適量

Chicken thigh 200g,
Onion 1pc,Sliced
New potatoes 1-2pc,Diced
Unsalted butter
All purpose flour 1 tablespoon
Chicken broth 800ml
Full cream milk 100ml
Red bell pepper ½ pc
Sea Salt , season to taste
Pepper, season to taste
ltalian parsley , for garnish

Add the salt and pepper to the chicken and marinate for about 15 minutes

Add oil to frying pan and saute onion until fragrant

Add new potatoes and unsalted butter, fry until butter melts, add flour

Stir fry until flour cannot be seen, add half of the chicken broth and stir

Add the remaining chicken broth ,turn to high heat and cover with a lid, simmer for 10-15 minutes

Turn off the heat and blend with a handheld blender until smooth

Turn on the heat and add chicken and milk, bring to a boil over low heat

Add red bell pepper,sea salt and pepper to taste

Garnish with ltalian parsley and serve

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Website http://JohnRochaCooking.com

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