droidcon SF 2018 - Scaling an Android App from 1 to 100 developers with modularization.

Описание к видео droidcon SF 2018 - Scaling an Android App from 1 to 100 developers with modularization.

Ben Schwab

Scaling an Android App from 1 to 100 developers with modularization.

In the past three years Airbnb's Android App has evolved from a monolithic single application project to having over 100 feature modules and 20 build variants. In the process of modularization we have greatly increased code ownership and reduced build times by as much as 80%. This talk will overview the philosophy of Airbnb's project structure, and give specific examples of how to leverage Dagger, coordinate inter-module communication, and create tooling to scale your project.

Content and programming organized by Ty Smith, GDE/GDG & Mobile Tech Lead Manager at Uber & Joaquim Verges, GDG & Android Tech Lead at Twitch.

Big thanks to our video sponsor Asana - https://asana.com/.

See you at droidcon SF 2019! November 18-19 @ Mission Bay Conference Center. Get your tickets here - https://droidconsf2019.eventbrite.com...


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