droidcon SF 2018 - Debugging Application Performance

Описание к видео droidcon SF 2018 - Debugging Application Performance

Carmen Jackson

Debugging Application Performance

Systrace is the best tool for understanding the performance of your application. Maybe you've heard of it before, and maybe you've even tried it out. But how do you actually use it to find the bugs in your app? This talk will teach you how to identify performance issues and opportunities for improvement in your app using Systrace, and will review some common performance pitfalls and recommendations along the way.

Content and programming organized by Ty Smith, GDE/GDG & Mobile Tech Lead Manager at Uber & Joaquim Verges, GDG & Android Tech Lead at Twitch.

Big thanks to our video sponsor Asana - https://asana.com/.

See you at droidcon SF 2019! November 18-19 @ Mission Bay Conference Center. Get your tickets here - https://droidconsf2019.eventbrite.com...


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