吴昌硕作品集 | The Collected Works of Wu Changshuo

Описание к видео 吴昌硕作品集 | The Collected Works of Wu Changshuo

吴昌硕(1844年8月1日-1927年11月29日),初名俊,又名俊卿,字昌硕,又署仓石、苍石,别号有仓硕、老苍等,浙江省孝丰县鄣吴村人,晚清民国国画家、书法家、篆刻家,“后海派”代表,杭州西泠印社首任社长。1858年,在父亲的指导下开始刻印。1866年,开始学诗。1869年,就学于杭州诂经精舍,跟随名儒俞樾学习小学及辞章,编成《朴巢印存》。1900年,自序《缶庐印存二集》。1919年,《缶庐印存》八册成书。1927年,因中风逝世于上海寓所。作品集有《吴昌硕画集》《吴昌硕作品集》等;主要篆刻作品有《作了天下事》《读遍千古书》等;主要绘画作品有《紫藤图》《墨荷图》等。吴昌硕热心提携后进,齐白石、王一亭、潘天寿等均得其指授。与任伯年、蒲华、虚谷合称为“清末海派四大家”。Wu Changshuo (August 1, 1844 - November 29, 1927), originally named Jun, also known as Junqing, styled Changshuo, and also signed as Cangshi or Cangshi, with other aliases such as Cangshuo and Lao Cang, was a native of Zhangwu Village, Xiaofeng County, Zhejiang Province. He was a renowned painter, calligrapher, and seal carver during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. He was a representative of the “Later Shanghai School” and the first president of the Xiling Seal Art Society in Hangzhou.In 1858, under his father’s guidance, he began learning seal carving. In 1866, he started studying poetry. By 1869, he was studying at the Gujing Jingshe in Hangzhou, learning elementary studies and literary composition under the famous scholar Yu Yue, and compiled “Pu Chao Yin Cun.” In 1900, he wrote the preface for the second collection of “Fou Lu Yin Cun.” By 1919, the eight volumes of “Fou Lu Yin Cun” were completed. In 1927, he passed away in his residence in Shanghai due to a stroke. His collected works include “The Collected Paintings of Wu Changshuo” and “The Collected Works of Wu Changshuo.” His major seal carving works include “Having Accomplished Worldly Affairs” and “Reading Through Ancient Books.” His major paintings include “Wisteria” and “Ink Lotus.”Wu Changshuo was enthusiastic about mentoring younger generations, and notable artists such as Qi Baishi, Wang Yiting, and Pan Tianshou were among his students. He, along with Ren Bonian, Pu Hua, and Xu Gu, was known as one of the "Four Masters of the Late Qing Shanghai School"


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