The Unforgiven | All Tap Mode Instruments | Expert Flawless | Fortnite Festival

Описание к видео The Unforgiven | All Tap Mode Instruments | Expert Flawless | Fortnite Festival

The Unforgiven - Metallica
Track Speed: 1.75x

Difficulty Ratings:
Lead: 5/7
Drums: 3/7
Vocals: 3/7
Bass: 3/7

Pro Lead: 3/7
Pro Bass: 3/7

0:00 The Unforgiven - Metallica
0:07 Instrumental Intro
0:55 Verse 1
1:37 Chorus
2:11 Verse 2
2:53 Chorus
3:27 Lead Solo
4:33 Chorus
5:14 Outro
6:13 Stats

This might be the easiest Metallica song we've got right now. Still did really good on perfects again. Maybe I'm still getting better. Who knows? Anyways Drums is drums. Vocals is Vocals. Bass is Bass. Lead is quite nice to play. I like the chart for it. I think I did ok with all the overdrives. Played a guessing game and somehow got it on all of them. Well maybe not drums exactly. Drums I just used it instantly. And somehow I got 1st on bass again on my first try again. Weird. mdcurtis is going to beat it probs by like a few thousand points maybe.


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