One Minute Bunkai: Wansu Sho #1

Описание к видео One Minute Bunkai: Wansu Sho #1

One Minute Bunkai: This is the signature movement from the Tomari Wansu Kata of the Kyan Lineage passed on to him by Pechin Maeda. There is another longer version of this Kata that can be called "Dai". Most styles just use the short "Wansu" name. This is another terrific series of techniques representing close quarter fighting (in reality isn't all real fighting close quarter?). It is full of Tuite (seize and control) techniques that have the potential to break multiple joints and tear much tissue in one bold move. This is old school Karate at its best (I'm referring about the Kata not the performers). The most common bunkai is the standard Judo "Kata Guruma" (fireman's carry) throw which is often misunderstood by those without proper training in Judo/Jujitsu.


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