One Minute Bunkai: Wansu Sho #2

Описание к видео One Minute Bunkai: Wansu Sho #2

One Minute Bunkai: The Opening movement from the Tomari Wansu Kata shows one hand over a fist, in this case it is a pressing action using the right elbow against a one or two handed lapel grip. The supported hand implies that it can be used against a powerful grip, followed up by a downward barai movement to the left. Most popular applications do not address the opening hand position and imply that you are blocking a kick to the left, that may be so, but in this example we are illustrating how the opening hand position is the beginning of the sequence and what looks like a downward block is a "tuite" move pulling down the opponents head by pulling hair, and ear, eye sockets, chin, anything you can get a hold of. Hair works best when available. The following move is a finishing blow to the head-temple area or the jaw. This is such a simple move once you know how it works yet deadly effective.


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