남해의 소금강, 홍도, 흑산도 1박2일 ( Hongdo & Heuksando Islands , The Hidden Gems of the south sea of Korea, )

Описание к видео 남해의 소금강, 홍도, 흑산도 1박2일 ( Hongdo & Heuksando Islands , The Hidden Gems of the south sea of Korea, )

안녕하세요! 초이입니다.

1박2일 홍도/흑산도 여행을 다녀왔습니다. 이것저것 신경쓸 필요없는
패키지로 다녀왔습니다. 여행사는 여러군데가 있지만 결국 현지 여행사가 여러 여행사를 모아서 현재지에 행사를 진행하므로, 어떤 여행사를 선택하든 일정은 비슷할 것으로 생각 됩니다.

셍각보다 홍도,흑산도에 다녀온 분들이 적은데, 아무래도 두시간 이상 먼바다로 배타는 일이 부담일 듯 합니다. 또한 육지에서 멀리 떨어진 섬이라 숙박이 다소 불편하게 느껴질 수 있습니다.. 다만, 불편한 숙소와 배타는 불편을 감소한다면 남해의 소금강이라 불리는 홍도/절경을 보실 수 있습니다.

Hongdo and Heuksando Islands, the Hidden Gems of the south sea(Namhae) of Korea,

I recently returned from a wonderful 1-night 2-day trip to Hongdo and Heuksando Islands in Namhae, South Korea. I opted for a hassle-free package tour to fully immerse myself in the beauty of these hidden gems without any worries.

While there are numerous travel agencies offering similar packages, I chose a local one that combined itineraries from various providers. This ensured that regardless of the agency, the overall experience would be quite consistent.

I was surprised to find that relatively few people have visited Hongdo and Heuksando, perhaps due to the two-hour ferry ride from the mainland. Additionally, being isolated islands, accommodations might seem inconvenient to some. However, if you can overlook these minor discomforts, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking scenery and an unforgettable experience in this "Hongdo & Heuksando IslandsSof Namhae."

Overall, I recommend this 2-night or 3-day package tour to anyone seeking an escape to the captivating islands of Hongdo and Heuksando. The temporary inconveniences of the ferry ride and accommodations are far outweighed by the unforgettable experiences that await you.

Thank you


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