MP76-35 reel 1 - NEW FILM TRANSFER - President Truman’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Описание к видео MP76-35 reel 1 - NEW FILM TRANSFER - President Truman’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

This is part 1 of silent footage covering President Harry S. Truman's trip to the Potsdam Conference in Germany to meet with British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, July 6 - August 7, 1945. This reel includes footage aboard the USS Augusta going to the conference, Truman's travels through Antwerp, the ruins of Berlin, and his arrival in Potsdam.

This film was produced by the US Navy and is in the public domain. Please credit: US Navy. Harry S. Truman Library.

This film is part of the Motion Picture series at the Truman Library. Please see this link for the National Archives Catalog record:


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