Banana Leaf Sesame Peanut Kueh/Kuih Kacang/蕉葉芝麻花生粿

Описание к видео Banana Leaf Sesame Peanut Kueh/Kuih Kacang/蕉葉芝麻花生粿

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" 嗨!大家好!我是傻大姐!也是一個愛好煮食,烘培者!


80克 花生碎
20克 白芝麻 (炒香)
35克 細砂糖
1湯匙 食油 (10毫升)
10毫升 開水

140克 糯米粉
1湯匙 幼糖
100ml 熱水
1湯匙 油

香蕉葉 適量 (18cm x 4cm的長方形)

1. 將香蕉葉剪成18cm x 4cm的長方形,放入沸水中燙軟,取出然後擦幹水分。
2. 花生碎,白芝麻,幼糖,食油,開水混合均勻,備用。
3. 糯米粉和幼糖混合均勻,分兩次加入熱水拌勻,再加入油拌勻成團。
4. 分割10粒,一粒25g,包入餡料,捏緊收口,然後在表面塗上少許的油,滾圓。
5. 稍微壓扁,然後用香蕉葉圍起來,折底部,然後翻面。
6. 水滾後,中小火蒸15分鐘即可。


Banana Leaf Sesame Peanut Kueh/Kuih Kacang
Soft glutinous with peanut and sesame fragrance, delicious !

80g Ground peanuts
20g white sesame seeds (fried until fragrant)
35g caster sugar
1 tbsp cooking oil (10ml)
10ml boiling water
*Stir well and set aside

Skin ingredients:
140g glutinous rice flour
1 tbsp sugar (15g)
100ml hot water
1 tbsp oil

10pcs banana leaf (18cm x 4cm rectangle)

1. Cut the 10pcs banana leaf into a rectangle of 18cm x 4cm, put it in boiling water to soften it, take it out, and wipe off the water.
2. Mix ground peanuts, white sesame seeds, sugar, cooking oil, and boiling water, and set aside.
3. Mix the glutinous rice flour and sugar evenly, add hot water and mix well, then add oil and mix well to form a dough.
4. Divide to 10pcs small dough into 25g each, wrap in the filling, pinch tightly, and then apply a little oil on the surface.
5. Flatten it slightly, then wrap it with banana leaves, fold the bottom, and turn it over.
6. After the water has boiled, steam it on a medium-to-small heat for 15 minutes.

歌曲:楊柳青青,古風 月圓之夜

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