Shankhaprakshalana complete process - Master Cleansing

Описание к видео Shankhaprakshalana complete process - Master Cleansing

The word Shankhaprakshalana comes from two words. Shankha meaning "conch" and prakshalana meaning to wash completely. The word shankha is used to represent the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus. This practice is also known as "varisar dhouti". This practice is also a part of kaya kalpa, which is an ayurvedic technique for physical purification and transformation, kaya means body & kalpa means transformation. Shankhaprakshalana is the process to clean the intestinal tract by removing the impurities with salty water.

Keep the feet apart 16-18 inches from each other.
lift both the arms in front, bring it to shoulder level and interlock your fingers.
Take interlocked hands up and face the palms up, straighten your arms
lift your heals up and stretch your body in upward direction, stay for a while and then release it
Repeat this asana for 6 times and then go for another asana

Take the same position as tadasana without lifting the heals.
Stretch the body up and bend towards left from waist and hold the position for some time.
Come back to pre-position and relax.
Bend towards right and hold for some time.
come back to pre-position and release
Repeat it from the right side. This completes first round. Do 6 rounds continually.

Take distance between both the legs of about 16-18 inches
Raise your arms side-ways to shoulder level, palms of the hands facing downwards & parallel to ground.
Turn from the waist towards left, keeping the arms parallel to ground.
Bend Right arm in elbow and turn around your body and put the hand on the left shoulder.
Bend left arm in elbow and turn from back twist around the waist towards right.
Turn your neck towards the left and give twist to whole body towards left. Remain still for a while in this position and then release the asana.
repeat this asana for 6 times and then go for another asana

Pre position - prone position

Bring both hands near the chest and place palms on the ground, keep the fingers together pointing front except the thumb drawn towards the body, Touch the forehead to the ground & raise the forehead, bend the neck backward.
The distance between the legs should be 10-15 inches and touch the toes on the ground by stretching backwards.
Bend the right hand in elbows and keeping the left hand straight from waist and give twist towards left along with neck
Release this position and repeat from right side and complete one round.
Repeat this asana for 6 times.

Take distance between 2 legs of about 8-10 inches, bend the knees touch the soles and sit down.
Put both the hands on the knees bending the elbows.
With the help of left hand press the left knee towards right foot but don?t lift up the right leg up in this position, give the pressure of right thigh to left thigh
Remain still in this position for while and then release
Repeat this asana for 6 times.
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