[新北坪林] 淡蘭古道逍遙遊~四堵溪觀魚, 天公疼憨魚!(Sidu Stream, Pinglin)

Описание к видео [新北坪林] 淡蘭古道逍遙遊~四堵溪觀魚, 天公疼憨魚!(Sidu Stream, Pinglin)

夏天走淡蘭古道, 也不會有淡淡的憂傷!坪林四堵古道,走路不用30分鐘,輕鬆抵達四堵溪溪谷,坐看台灣馬口魚曼妙魚姿,在溪流裡展演水中芭蕾舞。
Walking on the Tamsui-Kavaln Trails in summer, you won’t feel a little sad! It just takes less than 30 minutes to walk along the Sidu Ancient Road in Pinglin to easily reach the valley of Sidu Stream, where you can sit and watch the graceful posture of the Formosan stripe dace performing water ballet in the stream.

本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin )

【一般路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
四堵古道入口 (北宜公路55.4K) →約30分鐘→四堵古道石柱 (溪谷)
* 完整路線的路程時間參考(Journey time reference for the complete route)
喜惠勝茶葉蛋(北宜公路52.5K)→15分鐘→四堵寮遺址→40分鐘→淡蘭古道石柱→30分鐘→四堵苗圃古道入口 (55.4K) →30分鐘→石牌縣界公園
Xihuisheng Tea Egg (Beiyi Highway 52.5k)→15 minutes→Sidu old police station site→40 minutes→Stone Pillars of the Tamsui-Kavalan Sidu Historical Trail→30 minutes→Trail entrance of the Sidu Nursery (55.4K) →30 minutes→Shipai County Boundary Park

【公廁資訊】(Toilets Information)

★Public transportation: None.
★Drive by yourself: Enter "Shipai County Boundary Park" in the satellite navigation of Google Maps to navigate to the destination. After arriving at the destination, there is a parking lot in Shipai County Boundary Park. There is a lack of parking space beside the 55.4K road of Beiyi Highway.

【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第1772篇 - 旅行影片:新北坪林.四堵古道
   • 淡蘭山徑~四堵古道, 台灣總兵劉明燈在台最後遺跡—坪林虎字碑 (Sidu ...  

★更多Tony的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):

【四堵古道GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)

【Tony著作的旅遊書, 歡迎訂購!】(Tony's travel book, welcome to order)
《大台北宜蘭小村+步道 達人全程帶隊影音版 》
《大台北步道100影音增強版: PLUS達人全程帶隊 》

【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software)
Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Waytogo app 記錄GPS 足跡 (行程記錄)
Power Director 365 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)

00:01 Sailor's Song - Joel Commins (YouTube音樂庫)
03:53 The Trapezist - Quincas Moreira (YouTube音樂庫)
05:16 Mourning Doves - Zachariah Hickman (YouTube音樂庫)
08:19 Parisian Cafe - Aaron Kenny (YouTube音樂庫)


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