Lesson Kitab Ut-Tawheed by Ustadh Zohaib Khan | 05/09/2024

Описание к видео Lesson Kitab Ut-Tawheed by Ustadh Zohaib Khan | 05/09/2024

1. Exclusive Worship of Allah: Only Allah can control fate, grant protection, and respond to prayers. The speaker critiques practices like asking saints or visiting shrines for intercession, which he considers forms of innovation (bid’ah).
2. The Prophet's Human Struggles: Even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced hardships, highlighting that no one is exempt from tests and trials.
3. Misguided Practices: Criticism is directed at people who attribute miraculous powers to saints or other figures, sometimes placing them above the Prophet, which the speaker considers a serious misstep.
4. Intercession (Shari'a): While the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will intercede for people on the Day of Judgement, this intercession is granted by Allah and cannot be requested from the Prophet while he is not present.
5. Accountability on Judgement Day: Everyone will be judged individually, and one's lineage or association with pious figures will not guarantee salvation. Only faith and good deeds matter.
6. Prophet’s Limitations: Even the Prophet could not help his own family members on the Day of Judgement unless they had faith and good deeds.
7.Warnings Against Innovation: The lecture repeatedly warns against practices that contradict Islamic monotheism (tawhid), such as praying to or through intermediaries.


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