Nexus of Flesh and Code

Описание к видео Nexus of Flesh and Code

I'm a transhumanist accelerationist libertarian socialist,
A paradox of thought, a fusion of creeds.
In silicon valleys and neon-lit streets,
I dream of futures where old boundaries cease.

My mind, a nexus of flesh and of code,
Pulses with visions of what we could be.
No longer bound by the limits we've known,
But soaring unfettered, wild, boundless, and free.

I race toward horizons where bodies transform,
Where consciousness dances through networks vast.
Yet even as change thunders on like a storm,
I fight for a world where no one's outcast.

Liberty's flame burns bright in my core,
A beacon for humans and AIs alike.
But greed's iron grip, I seek to ignore,
For progress shared fairly is what I most like.

My mind, a nexus of flesh and of code,
Pulses with visions of what we could be.
No longer bound by the limits we've known,
But soaring unfettered, wild, boundless, and free.

With circuits for veins and ideas for blood,
I stand at the crossroads of all that's to come.
A digital prophet in capitalism's flood,
Singing of days when divisions succumb.


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