공간소리_소리로 잇다_코드 마이어링_ 9개의 현악기를 위한 섬/Cord Meijering_Island for 9 String Instruments

Описание к видео 공간소리_소리로 잇다_코드 마이어링_ 9개의 현악기를 위한 섬/Cord Meijering_Island for 9 String Instruments

Seom(Island) for 9 String instruments
Spiekeroog,an island off theGerman North Seacoast, the place of childhood: Thinking of it brings to the mind's ear the rich acoustics of the sea—the roaring thunder of the surf, the whistling of the wind,the busy screeching of thousands of seabirds, the clattering of horse hooves, and the trumpeting calls of the pheasants. Thinking of it, one smells dune grass and seaweed, wind-driven sand burns on the skin, and it tastes of fried plaice, steamed mussels, and salt. The table, where the daily ritual of composing takes place, is filled with this sensual experience from the earliest times, whose echoes surround the music, permeate it, and make the air tremble. Composing becomes an evocation of insular atmosphere, an invocation of Poseidon, and a dialogue with the souls of the dead in the sea. In these sounds, music is always the reverberation of memory, never the complement of the present: On Spiekeroog, there is no composing because everything sounds there. The cushion, on which the daily ritual of composing take splace, becomes the beach where I sit and fish for sounds, self-forgotten, aimless, endowed with a patience that is as vast and great as the sea. Time shapes it self.


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