Vincent Flammini realizing his True nature during a conversation with David Bingham

Описание к видео Vincent Flammini realizing his True nature during a conversation with David Bingham

Email Vincent: [email protected]
Vincent's biography:
While I wouldn't have named it 'searching' at the time, I began looking for 'Something' when I was, well, I don't know when - as far back as I can remember. At some point, the seeking took some shape(s): TM in college, contemplative practices (centering prayer and the John Main mantra meditation), years of practice, and study of Zen with two different teachers, Joko Beck and Darlene Cohen. Additionally, there were multiple stops and starts in the attempt to find 'Something.' The 'Something' morphed into searching for 'Enlightenment' about going from bad to worse - oy!

Sometime in the mid-1990s, I discovered Ramana Maharshi. I was drawn to his teaching AND had NO idea what he was talking about! I continued to follow my nose, listened to endless talks from Catherine Ingram (helpful), read and met with Sailor Bob Adams, and had a handful of conversations with John Wheeler not long after he had traveled to Australia to meet Bob. I could go on, but you get the picture—continually searching.

About four months ago, I heard about David Bingham and downloaded his book, Effortless Being (tremendously helpful for me - especially the 'effortless' part!), watched a handful of his videos, and decided to ask if he'd talk with me. David agreed, and we met a few weeks ago. David helped me see that the 'Something' I was looking for was already here and had never been anywhere else (at least, has never been anywhere other than everywhere). The difference between effortful seeking and effortless being is palpable since David's pointing. In this experience, seeing this has not been dramatic in any way...more like, "Really? That's it?"

So what? Seeking has stopped, and resting as effortless being has taken its place. All kinds of flotsam and jetsam continue floating around; nonetheless, resting as awareness is more often primary. Resting as awareness is always the case - we just get hypnotized by the conceptual world.


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