Ramana Maharshi and Muruganar, part two, presented by David Godman

Описание к видео Ramana Maharshi and Muruganar, part two, presented by David Godman

A few weeks ago I was invited by Dr Sarada Natarajan of the Bangalore Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning to give a series of talks on Muruganar. Since I was not able to do it live, I recorded my offering. The first talk in the series can be found here:

   • Ramana Maharshi and Muruganar, part o...  

This is the second installment in the series. It was recorded in a studio at the University of Western Australia. The talks are part of a programme to commemorate the 40th aniversary of Ramanajali, a group that has set to music and publicly performed many of Muruganar's verses. Sarada suggested that I add a segment in which the Ramananjali group sing some of the verses that are mentioned or read out during my talk. I have, accordingly, added her selection, along with a brief introduction to it. If you want more information about the music that is presented here, or about Ramananjali in general, the contact information for the Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning can be found here:


If you want either to find more information on Muruganar himself or read translations of his extensive poetic output, I can suggest the following publications:







Each link will take you to a page that gives a summary of the book's contents. There is also an option to read excerpts from the titles listed.

The original Tamil verses of some of these texts have been uploaded on the Sri Ramanasramam site:




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