Canon EOS 4000D | Rebel T100 Mode Dial. Understanding your modes on this Canon DSLR camera - youtube

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The Mode dial on the Canon 4000D or Rebel T100
The Mode Dial is the dial that you are going to use most with this Canon EOS 4000D DSLR. Not only do you use it to switch the camera on, but you also use it to choose the mode - the way you are going to take your pictures. The dial offers a selection of preset modes ranging from completely automatic to more specialist modes for shooting landscape, portraits and action pictures, for example.
This video is taken from our Canon EOS 4000D / Rebel T100 user tutorial course, and is part of the video which is specifically about the Mode Dial. The video will tell you about each mode and give examples of the pictures you can take with them. In this video we talk about the scene intelligent auto mode and also the P mode.
The scene intelligent auto mode is a great preset mode because the camera controls everything in order to get the best exposure. It works really well with the autofocus, and it will decide for you if you want the basic autofocus, or the AI Servo autofocus - which means that it follows the subject around and makes sure it maintains the focus. It is the best mode to begin with because the camera will guarantee that you get a good exposure for your pictures, so you can start off confident with your photography knowing that you are going to get some decent pictures without having to worry too much about the technicalities. As I mentioned earlier the preset modes control most of the basic settings, the camera makes nearly all the decisions and you can see what options you have by pressing the display button when you are in any of those preset modes. You might be able to decide on the picture style or whether you want to shoot one shot or at a time or multiple shots, but essentially there isn't a great deal beyond that that you can change. So even basic functions like white balance and ISO are fixed in the preset modes. If you try to change them you'll get this message. The four modes above the off switch are called the semi-automatic modes and they finish up, in fact, with M which is entirely manual. These modes give you a lot more control over the settings that affect the exposure of your pictures, and if you look at them in more detail which we shall you can see that P - the program mode for example - allows you to change a lot more than scenic intelligent automatic mode. Then when we get onto the shutter speed priority and aperture priority, we can change even more. However, until you get to M - manual mode - the camera will still choose the best exposure. Once you are in manual mode you can make those decisions yourself and that's when you can become really creative with your photography. Let's have a look at the P mode first so P mode or program mode is really useful because it gives you slightly more control over the pictures that you are taking. The camera will still control exposure but P mode allows you to control the shutter speed and the aperture, for example. If we look at the options in P mode on the LCD screen here, you can see that there are many more options available and if I press the shutter button down slightly we can see the shutter speed and aperture appear too. Then I can use the main dial to move those settings up and down. Now as I said, this is not entirely manual and as you will see as I rotate the main dial both the shutter speed and the aperture change because the camera is using both of them to control the exposure. So if you change one, the camera will change the other one to compensate. That is quite useful because you may need a specific shutter speed or you may be looking for a specific depth of field which would be controlled by the aperture. Program mode allows you that limited flexibility to give you the best possible chance to take the picture you want whilst the camera still decides the best exposure.This, and more is explained in our superb Canon EOS 4000D / Rebel T100 DSLR camera manual. The manual has 15 tutorial videos that tell you all about this camera. Check out the links below. You can download a sample of the manual and watch two full videos absolutely free.

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