Donkey Driving Training Series, Intro to Ground Driving using Round Pen

Описание к видео Donkey Driving Training Series, Intro to Ground Driving using Round Pen

This video is part of our Donkey Driving Training series on YouTube and we also have a full Driving Training DVD available for purchase!

In this video, I will show you how to introduce your donkey to ground driving using a round pen. It is important to have a good bridle foundation. In the next video in this series, I will show you how to introduce ground driving in an open area, for those of you who do not have a round pen to work in.

* For more information on Desensitizing and Obstacle work, and to further your education, please look to our Obstacle & Desensitizing DVD, Groundwork With A Purpose*

Our Driving DVD is only $45 (this is a TWO disc DVD!) to make them affordable to anyone needing to further their education to be a better teacher for their equine! :)

Find us at or Doese Horsemanship on Facebook!


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