SF6 Anti-Marisa Strategy - Beating Anti-Air Gladius Using "Deep" Jumpins

Описание к видео SF6 Anti-Marisa Strategy - Beating Anti-Air Gladius Using "Deep" Jumpins

This has been known for a very long time in Japan, a friend of mine, high level Japanese 3S player who uses Marisa told me about it back in July or August, so it's been known. So of course I didn't come up with this, but am sharing it for those who don't know. Never got around to looking into it until recently.

Knowing this will force marisa players to not use gladius and go to crouch HP, which can be stuffed very easily since it's not a good antiair. Early jumpins, especially good ones like Ken, Luke jump HP will stuff it, but even something like Manon jump HP or HK will. It's not exclusive to "broken' jumpins.

Deep jumpins can be hard to time, so this takes some practice, but not that difficult.


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