How to get consistent Roasts on a Boca Boca 250 Without Using A Thermometer

Описание к видео How to get consistent Roasts on a Boca Boca 250 Without Using A Thermometer

Consistently Roast On A Boca Boca 250

0.00 Intro
3:50 Getting started
5:04 Weighing the beans
5:38 Preheating the roaster
5:54 Loading the beans and Starting the roast
7:13 The first crack
8:05 The second crack
9:36 Dropping/cooling the beans
10:16 Calculating moisture loss
11:25 Final notes and some tips
13:12 Outro/future videos

1. Weigh out 225 grams of beans.
2. Pre-heat roaster on #12 heat for 3 minutes.
3. Set roaster to #8 heat and turn machine timer all the way up.
4. Load beans and set phone timer.
5. Once first crack starts lower heat to #6 and press lap on phone timer to mark time.
6. When second crack starts press lap on phone timer to mark time.
7. Prepare to drop beans according to how dark of a roast you prefer.
8. Stop phone timer to indicate total time of roast, you can reference these times the next time you roast this particular bean and adjust according to your desired results.
9. Cool beans and remove chaff.
10. Weight roasted beans and calculate the moisture loss to determine the level of roast.


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