Khas RM Padang: Resep AYAM POP Spesial!

Описание к видео Khas RM Padang: Resep AYAM POP Spesial!

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00:00 : intro
01:10 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:55 : memotong bahan (slicing the ingredients)
02:28 : ungkep ayam (braising the chicken)
04:22 : memasak sambal (cooking the Sambal)
06:10 : merebus daun singkong (boiling the cassava leaf)
07:08 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepAyamPop #ResepAyamPopPadang #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Ayam Pop (untuk 8 porsi)

2 ekor ayam pejantan, buang kulit potong 4 bagian
6 siung bawang putih
3 lembar daun salam
6 lembar daun jeruk
1 batang serai
4 cm jahe

Bahan lainnya:
1 sdm garam
½ sdm kaldu jamur / penyedap
1/6 sdt merica
50 ml santan
1 liter air kelapa

Bahan sambal:
8 siung bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
10 buah cabai keriting merah
1 buah tomat merah
3 buah cabai merah tanjung
1-2 sdt gula pasir
300 ml air ungkepan ayam
150 ml air dingin
1 sdm tepung terigu protein sedang
60 ml minyak kelapa

150 gr daun singkong
1 sdt baking soda
1 sdm garam
1 sdm gula pasir
air untuk merebus daun singkong
nasi putih

Cara membuat:
1. Iris jahe dan serai, sisihkan. Blender bawang putih dengan sedikit air kelapa hingga halus
2. Siapkan panci, masukkan bawang putih halus, serai, jahe, daun salam, daun jeruk, air kelapa, ayam, santan, garam, kaldu jamur dan merica. Masak di api sedang kecil selama 30 menit
3. Setelah matang, matikan api dan diamkan ayam di dalam panci
4. Potong cabai merah, cabai keriting, bawang merah, bawang putih dan tomat
5. Panaskan minyak kelapa, tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga wangi kemudian masukkan tomat dan cabai merah, masak hingga wangi
6. Tiriskan ayam lalu saring kuah kaldu
7. Masukkan kuah ungkepan ayam ke dalam tumisan sambal. Masak hingga lunak
8. Masukkan ke dalam blender, tambahkan sedikit air dingin, tepung terigu dan gula pasir, blender hingga halus. Masak Kembali beberapa saat
9. Didihkan air, masukkan garam, baking soda, gula pasir dan daun singkong, masak selama 8-10 menit, tiriskan
10. Panaskan minyak kelapa, celup ayam ke dalam minyak hangat beberapa saat, tiriskan
11. Ayam pop siap disajikan

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Ayam Pop Recipe (yield 8 servings)

2 pc rooster, skinned and chopped into 4 pieces
6 clove garlic
3 pc bay leaf
6 pc lime leaf
1 pc lemongrass
4 cm ginger

1 tbsp salt
½ tbsp mushroom stock powder / MSG
⅙ tsp pepper
50 ml coconut milk
1 liter coconut water

Sambal ingredients:
8 pc shallot
5 clove garlic
10 pc red curly chili
1 pc red tomato
3 pc large red chili
1-2 tsp sugar
300 ml braising liquid
150 ml cold water
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
60 ml coconut oil

150 g cassava leaf
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
Water, to boil

1. Slice the ginger and lemongrass, set aside. Blend the garlic with a little bit of coconut water until smooth.
2. Prepare a pan. Add the blended garlic, lemongrass, ginger, bay leaf, lime leaf, coconut water, chicken, coconut milk, salt, mushroom powder, and pepper. Cook on medium-low heat for 30 minutes.
3. After they’re cooked, turn the heat off and leave the chicken in the pan.
4. Slice the red chili, curly chili, shallots, garlic, and tomato.
5. Heat the coconut oil. Sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add the tomato and chilis. Cook until fragrant.
6. Remove the chicken, then strain the braising liquid.
7. Add the braising liquid into the chili. Boil until soft.
8. Add the chili mixture into a blender. Add cold water, flour, and sugar. Blend until smooth, then cook again for a moment.
9. Boil some water. Add salt, baking soda, sugar, and cassava leaf. Boil for 8-10 minutes, set aside.
10. Heat the coconut oil. Dip the chicken into the warm oil for a moment. Set aside.
11. Ayam Pop is ready to serve.


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