94 Honda GL1500 - I Wrecked the Bike

Описание к видео 94 Honda GL1500 - I Wrecked the Bike

I wrecked the bike. This video tells the story of how i wrecked the bike. Maybe its a cautionary tale, maybe I will get raked over the coals. We all make mistakes, and I've made a few. I was very lucky. Maybe this video is more for me than it is for you. If you get anything out of it, great. If you want to flame me in the comments, you can do that to. We all make decisions based on a risk/benefit analysis whether we realize it or not. I don't know where I am going to go from here. I have a bunch of small bikes I am still working on. Route 66 on a motorcycle is still on my bucket list. Will it ever happen - I don't know.


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