8 Level of Dealing with the Quran

Описание к видео 8 Level of Dealing with the Quran

NOTE: Slight error at time 05:55 (Verse number) - Allah says, “Then have they not reflected over the Qur'an, or has there come to them that which had not come to their forefathers?” (Quran 23:68).

Quran is Allah’s gift to humanity; that book that we claim regulates our lives. It is a book that came to move people from darkness to light. Quran is the reason for the rise and fall of many nations, as Prophet (pbuh) said, “Allah will raise many nations by this book and will lower many” (Muslim). The various levels of relationship with the Quran, which are mentioned below, are based on the effort required to execute them.

What is required for a man is to move from one level to another, as the Prophet (pbuh) has said, “He whose two days are equal, is a loser” (Daiylami). One should not only believe in the book of Allah but should strive and pray that the book of Allah becomes the law of the land. The more effort individual puts in, the more he would move forward. However, it is not possible to become perfect in one level and move to another, but one can be on many levels at the same time, and strive for improvement. Getting closer to the Quran is a sign of showing our love toward Allah and the Prophet (pbuh). The closer a person is getting to the Quran; the more justice is given to his relationship with the book of Allah. The closer he is to the Quran, the closer he is to success in this world and the hereafter.


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