3 Tips to Improve Your Multi-Channel Marketing

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It is crazy to think that a whopping 72% of consumers prefer to connect with brands across multiple channels. These channels can include your website, email, push notifications, SMS, in-app messaging, pay per click advertising, social media and even direct mail.

Each of these channels bring their own set of demands. For example, is the content the same, do the graphics transfer well from web to mobile, are any remarketing PPC campaigns backing up the messaging found on your website. There are some simple hacks to keep your multichannel marketing strategy focussed and under control. With that, let’s jump into the top tips to achieve a seamless multichannel marketing strategy.

Your first step is create to user personas. Personas are generalised groups of your customers and contacts. Within these groups, your customers all have the same goals, interests and behaviours. In the past, marketers would have created these manually. Perhaps even written them out on a page, and told themselves that they would look at them every single time they created specific content for each persona.

Now, it is far more advanced with useful products helping you to sort these personas automatically based on behaviour and send content to them based on their past history. The behaviour part is important for your multichannel marketing strategy. While one persona may be more engaged when they receive content on a certain device, another may be more receptive to content being shared via a certain channel. It is these subtle elements of an advanced multichannel strategy that not only helps a contact to build a relationship with your brand but can increase loyalty by 64%.

Number 2 is to target your messaging. Think about it. Your product or service offers different benefits to different people. Of course you are going to have your general elevator pitch on your website. This will give a general outline of what you do - wet your customer’s appetite so to speak. But if you try to please everyone, you will come across as too vague and certainly not targeted enough to close the sale. Think of your general messaging as simply opening the door. To keep your customer’s interested, you need to drill down a little further. It is at this point you break out the targeted messaging. Using your personas, you will have a general idea of what your different customer groups look like and what interests them. Perhaps you are a news service, one group could be interested in entertainment, another group could be interested in business and another could be interested in science. Each of these are very different categories and crossing messages could be detrimental to the lifetime value of that customer.

Number 3. Choose the right channels. Events, Website, Email, Social. Pay per Click. Whatever it might be, you need to figure out the best combination for your audience. You know who you are targeting and the type of message that will keep them interested, now it is important to focus on the channels themselves. Make sure to pair your channels strategically. According to MediaPost frequent pairings for adults between 18-64 include Computer & Mobile, TV & Radio as well as Computer & TV. Their research showed that while the Computer & Mobile pairing was most popular during 9am - 5pm, TV & Radio rises ahead in the evening between 5pm - 11pm. This trend of change due to conditions (in this case timing) will be the same for any pairing you choose. The trick here is to only test a certain amount of channels your team can manage. There is no point testing it if you cannot evaluate if it is of any benefit to your results. So reducing your channels and channel pairings might be the best option.

So let’s summarise the key points:

Number 1 - Create your personas - this will give you the insight you need to fuel the rest of your strategy.

Number 2 - Target your messaging - not all of your customers are the same - so don’t try and treat them that way

Number 3 - Choose the right channels - test a number of combinations that suit your audience but not too many!

If you like this video, make sure to subscribe to our youtube channel. Also, for even more ways to optimize your marketing strategy feel free to head to hurree.co and check out our resources page. It’s all free.

Finally, we’d like to hear from you now. Are you going to start using any of these multichannel marketing tips in your strategy? Or maybe you’d like to share any of your own tips that we may have missed. Let us know by leaving a comment right below.

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