Top 7 Dangerous jobs in the world 2023 | (Clear Explanation)

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This video is about Top 7 Dangerous Jobs in the world 2023

01. Fishing and Hunting
The most dangerous job is Fishing and Hunting! Fishing and hunting employees interact with wildlife in numerous ways. In order to fulfill their responsibilities, they set traps, reel in commercial catches, and operate heavy machinery. These frequently hazardous conditions make this occupation the most hazardous in the country. Deaths are frequently attributed to drowning, although accidents involving heavy machinery can also result in fatalities.

02. Logging
Second, on the list of the most dangerous jobs in the world is Logging! Loggers perform their duties in woods and other outdoor settings. They are responsible for chopping down trees with heavy machinery to produce raw materials such as lumber, paper, and cardboard. Conditions requiring the use of heavy machinery and interaction with harmful objects are examples of the hazardous aspects of this occupation. Injuries caused by heavy machinery are the leading cause of death in this area.

03. Roofing
Another dangerous job is Roofing! Roofing is one of the most hazardous occupations in existence. The most common causes of fatal injuries fall from the roof they are working on or the ladders they utilize throughout the course of their employment.

04. Construction Work
It wouldn’t be a list of dangerous jobs if Construction Work wasn’t included. There are a variety of tasks assigned to construction workers, most of which pose an elevated risk of injury. Construction workers are exposed to an environment in which objects can fall on them or they themselves can fall from enormous heights. Missteps on ladders and accidents involving heavy machinery are frequent causes of fatal injuries.

05. Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers
Fifth on the list of the most dangerous jobs in the world are Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers.
In 2018, aircraft pilots and flight engineers were ranked second and third, respectively, in terms of professions with the greatest fatal injury rate. However, this ranking has since changed. Frequently, fatal accidents in this field are caused by transportation events. Private aircraft and helicopters represent the most hazardous components of this career, as commercial aircraft remain incredibly safe.

06. Garbage Collector
Did you know Garbage Collectors are one of the most dangerous jobs in the world?
Refuse waste and recyclable material collectors, such as garbage men, are subjected to a harsh environment on a daily basis.
Injuries and fatalities are common among this crew as a result of accidents involving heavy machinery on the utilized vehicles. Due to the fact that these workers frequently stop in the middle of traffic lanes to collect trash, one of the leading causes of fatalities in this area is workers being struck by the garbage truck or another vehicle.

07. Structural Iron and Steel Workers
Another on the list of the most dangerous jobs in the world are the fields of Structural Iron and Steel workers!
Accidental falls, slips, and trips are one of the leading causes of mortality in this field. Due to the fact that these workers are tasked with erecting enormous steel structures, they are frequently atop ladders, operating heavy machines, or lifting, loading, and unloading steel. These responsibilities all present several potential for inadvertent errors.


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