Who wins when the two deadliest Xenomorph Alphas go head to head. Will there be an alien fight in Alien Romulus ?

Deep Space by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


In the Red corner, we have Grid.
The Alpha Drone of the Antarctic Xenomorphs; Grid gets its name from the damage sustained from a Predator Net Launcher during the fight with Celtic.
Grid was responsible for killing two out of the three Youngbloods, and freeing the captive Queen from her restraints.
Being a Human-born Drone, Grid has the standard Xenomorph XX-121 weaponry and defences, consisting of an inner-jaw, tail-spike, and talons; along with an armoured exoskeleton and acidic-blood.
Grid was smarter and more tactically adept than the rest of its kin, and the only one who killed a Predator.
Being the exact same Alien type, the two are equally matched physically.

And in the Blue corner, we have Specimen 6.
A Xenomorph born from experiments conducted on the planet BG-386 by the Weyland Yutani corporation, Specimen 6, or just “6” for short, gets its name from the number 6 stamped on its head for identification.
Bestowed with intelligence and situational-awareness in excess of an average Drone, Specimen 6 was instrumental in the propagation of the Xenomorph infestation on BG-386, and in defeating an Elite Predator was directly responsible for the creation of the BG-386 Predalien. And after being re-captured, escaped again, and moulted into a Queen.
Specimen 6 is equal to Grid in physicality, and has the same trait of advanced intelligence, but where Specimen 6 excels is how it killed not only Youngblood Predators, but an Elite as well.

Two rival hives each send out an Alpha to scout out and look for hosts to bring back, and for territory to expand the hive into.
From one hive is the Grid Alien, and the other, Specimen 6.
The two spot each other, and screech at one another, but neither is about to back away.
The two close the gap, and the Grid Alien is first to attack, jumping at 6, landing on top of it, and the two begin clawing and biting at each other.
The two raise up to their feet and hiss and screech at each other again.
6 attacks with a tail stab and it punctures Grids body, Grid then counterattacks with a bite, and then the two grapple again.
6 throws Grid off, and Grid lunges again, but 6 dodges it and Grid crashes to the floor.
6 spits acid at Grid, but Grid dodges it, and it lands off target.
They both move in again, and continue swiping at one another, biting, and stabbing with their tails, until Specimen 6 gains the advantage, and impales Grid, then swipes at its head, ripping Grids face off.
The win goes to Specimen 6.

So, as you’d expect, both Xenomorphs were really closely matched, but the reason I thought 6 would take the win in this battle was because in AVP the movie, Grid was only seen to fight a Youngblood Predator, but in AVP the game, 6 fought and killed a few Youngbloods, and then an Elite, so Specimen 6 has more of a proven combat record; as well as that, 6 also survived its story whereas the Grid Alien didn’t survive, so that played into my decision as well.
As always, be sure to let us all know what your thoughts are in the comments, and I’ll have more versus videos on screen if you’re interested in watching more.

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