Rooted in hope.

Описание к видео Rooted in hope.

Jesus begins today's reading going to help a rich man. But before He can do that a poor woman interrupts Him.

This is the beginning of a great story for us as God's children. If you have ever wondered about who God favors (or perhaps doesn't favor) this story spells that out clearly. Jesus is not swayed by the same standards you and I might hold. If you need hope today, this event in Jesus' life has got it. We are loved as we are. Human qualifications are of little importance in God's design.

One day our hope will turn to gratitude. As it did for two of God's daughters and one of God's sons in today's reading. It is only the passage of time that will deliver these truths.

May you know God's goodness and love throughout your week. God is with us. Hope has come. The light is already shining in the darkness.


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