coulou's cafe trumpet meditations (no. 7)

Описание к видео coulou's cafe trumpet meditations (no. 7)

i'm in LA the next couple weeks doing music and i brought my pocket trumpet and a little studio setup with me. I'm currently finishing two EPs so there's kind of an endless amount of tinkering i need to do on a lottttt of songs right now. these meditations have become an anchor in my week and im really grateful to have the time to pause and create something.

i was thinking back to me earliest music memories. i remember when i was around 7 years old, i had a strict russian piano teacher named Vram and instead of teaching me how to read music (probably because i didnt have the attention span to learn) he just showed me all the notes one by one on the piano and i would memorize my recital pieces. though, instead of practicing the music, i recall i would sit at the piano most days and just go on an improvised musical journey for what felt like hours. i guess that was my first experiences in a "flow" state of meditation. i found myself doing the same thing when learning trumpet as well as when i picked up guitar. recording, filming, and posting these "meditations" is new, but it feels like i'm just learning how to capture something i've always done.

each video feels like im starting from scratch in a way, i experiment with different recording, filming, editing, mixing, mastering techniques. i dont feel truly satisfied with any of the meditations yet, but i know i'm getting closer to capturing a sound and space that i can imagine in my mind. i'm not sure if anyone reads these but i really appreciate your willingness to go on this journey with me and i am truly excited to see what sounds come in to existence through this series.

As always, you can stream my music on all platforms under "coulou"

MGMT email - [email protected]
Insta & TikTok - @coulou__
Spotify -
All the links:

Lots of love


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