Burgruine Egerberg / Zřícenina hradu Egerberk

Описание к видео Burgruine Egerberg / Zřícenina hradu Egerberk

Diese wundervoll mit Blumen bewachsene Burgruine steht in 431 51 Klášterec nad Ohří 1 (CZ).
Wie die meisten Burgen in dieser Umgebung musste ich mir auch diese Ruine erarbeiten. Vom Parkplatz ging es gut 2,5 km immer schön den Berg hinauf. Für die Mühe wird man aber zumeist auch belohnt, wie diese Aufnahmen der Egerbergruine eindeutig zeigen.
Ich wünsche Euch "Gute Unterhaltung".
This castle ruin, beautifully grown over in flowers, is located at 431 51 Klášterec nad Ohří 1 (CZ).
Like most castles in this area, I had to work hard to get to this ruin. From the car park, it was a good 2.5 km walk up the hill. But the effort is usually rewarded, as these photos of the Egerberg ruins clearly show.
I hope you enjoy it.

00:00 – Intro
00:30 – Filmstart mit Drohnenaufnahmen / Film starts with drone shots
02:12 – Ankunft / Arrival
04:34 – Aussen / Outside
06:34 – Eingangstor / Entrance
07:25 – Unterer Burgteil & Innenhof / Lower castle part & courtyard
08:25 – Blick auf den oberen Burgteil / View of the upper part of the castle
09:14 – Obrerer Burgteil / Upper part of the castle
10:25 – Abschied / Goodbye
11:51 – Wo befindet sich diese Burgruine? / Where is this castle ruin located?
12:36 – Informationen zur Geschichte (60 sec) / Information about the history (60 sec)

You can find the English version of the history about this ruin in the video description.

Wunderschöne Burgruine in Tschechien:
Burgruine Schönburg -    • Видео  

Eine Schlossruine in Polen:
Schlossruine der Hohenzollern -    • Hohenzollern_Schlossruine in Polen_Sc...  


Sofern Ihr es noch nicht getan haben solltet, so vergesst bitte nicht
meinen Kanal zu abonnieren. Danke !

Hier noch einmal die GPS-Daten: 50.3671320 / 13.184666

Bitte beachtet auch meine anderen Filme über Burg-, Palast- und Schlossruinen in Polen und Tschechien.

Danke !


Information about history:

Egerberg was built around 1241 by the Lords of Egerberg. The castle then passed to the Lords of Schönburg in the middle of the 14th century. In 1386, Heinrich von Skopek von Dauba acquired it, expanding it to its current size, which was almost like a completely new building.

A castle with two large palace buildings was built, but without the usual keep or residential tower. The castle was fortified by walls with tower-like entrance gates that were open to the inside.

The castle passed through many hands.
In 1591, Leonard Stampach von Stampach bought it. After he bought another castle 7 years later, he moved into the new castle and left Egerberg Castle to decay, which continues to this day.

In 1880, tourism in this region was supported by financial aid from the Austrian imperial family. New hiking trails were created, a new inn was built, and the ruins of the castle were secured.


VLOG: Tschechien 011


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