VSM 2 – How to build a VSM? Symbols and Steps

Описание к видео VSM 2 – How to build a VSM? Symbols and Steps

This is the second video in a short series of 3 explaining about Value stream mapping (VSM).

Value stream is the series of activities that takes a product or service from the supplier to the customer. This applies, to both, physical products and administrative processes. The Value Stream Map is a tool to illustrate the material flow, information flow and the value-added time.

The first video explains the basics of VSM. You will learn why to use VSM map, when and how to use it.

The second video will talk about the VSM map in more detail. You will learn to build a VSM map. It will explain the different symbols that are used and the steps to create this map. Finally, some tips will be given.

The third and final video presents a method to use VSM in production environments with High-Variation, Low-Volume products. This is especially valuable because a VSM is usually most effective in environments with a relatively stable product stream.


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