Bad Driving - August 2024

Описание к видео Bad Driving - August 2024

0:00 Blocking/using bike lanes
0:48 Near collisions and dangerous driving
1:49 Passing too close
2:19 Going through red/yellow lights
4:34 Using reserved lanes (e.g. bus lanes)
4:54 Illegal U-turns
5:28 Ignoring/Incorrectly yielding
6:02 Ignoring stop signs (& reds to turn right)
8:00 Ignore lanes/turning into the incorrect lane
9:55 Confusing behaviour & not signalling
10:51 Coming to a stop beyond the stop line
15:26 Blocking intersections (& crosswalks)
18:23 Parking/stopping too close to fire hydrant, stop sign, etc.
19:10 Stopped illegally/poorly
21:19 Parked illegally/poorly

As usual, there were many more instances of bad driving witnessed but not captured on camera (cycling without a camera, or as a pedestrian). I get approximately 1 instance every 2-3 minutes of cycling (not including e.g. the seawall where there are virtually no cars in sight).

It's illegally for a car to use/park in/stop in a bike lane (except to turn right, and only when it's a dashed line).
As of June 3 2024 you must give at least 1m of space when passing cyclists - measured from the extremities, i.e. side mirror to handle bar.
If you can safely stop for a yellow light, you must do so.
Pull over and stop when there are emergency vehicles with sirens.
Yield to pedestrians in (marked or unmarked) crosswalks.
Don't enter an intersection unless there's enough space for you to exit it.
Don't park/stop with 6m of fire hydrants, crosswalks, stop signs, etc.

Specific clips:
0:13 - there is a painted bike lane here; the line is faded, but the diamond is clear - and there's also a car blocking the oncoming lane...
0:57 - in addition to not yielding, he was well off of the lane he was trying to enter
1:08 - this car is coming the wrong way out of a one-way street
1:33 - you cannot reverse in an intersection
3:24 - the car in the foreground turning left, and the car in the background turning right
6:02 - this taxi ignored the stop sign and did an illegal u-turn
7:52 - this person did not stop at the red light and never (that I saw) visibly looked at me so I had no confidence that I would not be hit (it also isn't clear whether there are 2 lanes here)
9:13 - all these cars are not turning into the right-most lane, as well as the last going through on red
9:19 - all these cars are not turning into the right-most lane, as well as the last going through yellow
9:27 - this car is waiting in the intersection to turn right for no clear reason - the right-most lane is clear
9:55 - almost every car coming from the top of the screen is turning right, but none of them are signalling
10:40 - this taxi was signalling left for a long time (well before the camera picked it up) but never moved
11:18 - additionally, a car turning right does not stop at the red light
11:39 - this driver yelled that there was plenty of space, when there clearly isn't; they also were sitting there for at least 15s with no traffic blocking them - possibly they were trying to turn left, but that's not allowed here
17:33 - this car got stuck here after the light changed to red
18:30 - these 2 clips are the same car in the same spot


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