GBO2 RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam (post-buff): 700 cost stun king!

Описание к видео GBO2 RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam (post-buff): 700 cost stun king!

This video contains two recent rated matches I had with the Hi Nu Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 700 cost general with two easy to use instant staggers, funnels with great stagger accumulation, vulcans with great stagger accumulation, a funnel barrier which can block staggers, LV2 Flap Booster, alongside it having the best per hit melee damage at cost while Full Attack is activated. Its weaknesses would be mediocre ranged DPS and relatively slow boosting speed before Psychoframe Resonance activates. This suit was recently buffed with +1500 HP, +9 beam resistance, LV3 Flight Control, 13 seconds rifle overheat time, 14%x4 rifle charge shot heat, 5 seconds bazooka cooldown, 12 seconds bazooka reload time, 1.25 seconds bazooka swap time, 12 seconds rush funnels overheat time, 9%x6x3 rush funnels stagger power, 1 second support funnels cooldown alongside faster return time for support funnels. I hope that you enjoy watching!

Its primary ranged weapon is a beam rifle with 2600 (750x4) power, 75% (14%x4) heat, 400m range, 2.5 seconds cooldown time, 13 seconds overheat, 1 seconds focus time, 0.77 seconds swap time and 60% (25%x4) stagger value. Uncharged shots have decent stagger value and instant stagger while charged shots can break Maneuver Armor in one burst if your aim is good.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 2900 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, 70% combo modifier and 160% downswing modifier. This has seemingly low power but the excellent modifiers means that it can do very high damage. This already high damage is boosted to insane levels if you can use it while Full Attack is activated.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan gun with 100 power, 60 ammo, 200m range, 600 RPM, 12 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time and 6% stagger value. These are really excellent as far as vulcans go, with high DPS and the ability to stagger in just 1.7 seconds. They pair excellently with your funnels.
Its second sub weapon is a shield beam cannon with 1700 power, 80% heat, 400m range, 5 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds overheat, 0.5 seconds swap time and 20% stagger value. This has low damage but all around great stats for an instant stagger weapon.
Its third sub weapon is a focused fire funnel with 300x6x3 power, 100% heat, 300m range, 12 seconds overheat time, 0.77 seconds swap time and 9%x6x3 stagger value. These instantly overheat but they have excellent damage and stagger value, they can even be locked on while boosting.
Its fourth sub weapon is a support funnel with 300x6 power, 100% heat, 450m range, 1 seconds cooldown, 10 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time and 0%x6 stagger value. These can lock on to allies to give them follow funnels, they are fired by them firing their weapon. This is a useful tool to activate Full Attack with.
Its fifth sub weapon is a funnel barrier with 100% heat, 30 seconds overheat and 0.77 seconds swap time. This activates a 3000 HP barrier which blocks all forms of ranged attacks until it is destroyed or 10 seconds have passed.

The Hi Nu Gundam has 21500 HP, 30 ballistic resistance, 25 beam resistance and 32 melee resistance. It has pretty good durability with no clear downside. It has both LV1 Maneuver Armor and LV3 Emergency Evasion for defensive skills.
It also has 130 (140) walking speed, 220 (230) boosting speed, 80 thrust (-50% usage) and 78 (103) turning speed. Its mobility seems poor at first, but its great set of skills makes it much more nimble than you might think. The values in brackets comes into effect when LV2 Psychoframe Resonance activates at 50% HP, this skill also reduces incoming ranged damage taken by 20%. It also has LV2 Flap Booster which allows it to rise into the air while boosting and holding the ascend button. LV4 Forced Injector and LV3 Flight Control further boosts mobility.
The main skill Hi Nu has to juggle is LV1 Full Attack. This boosts all damage by 20% and adds +10 walking speed while your lock on funnels are deployed. This gives you gigantic melee damage output, so don't forget to use your funnels.

Overall I feel like while these buffs may have not been strictly needed, they make the Hi-Nu capable of fighting basically on the same level as the Sinanju. It already had impressive stagger ability, but now this has been improved further to make it amazing at both instant stagger stunlocks and stagger accumulation combos. The buffs to durability and skills also help quite a lot. My only worry is that we might not get much time to play with Hi-Nu being this powerful, since the Banshee Norn is about to release as the next banner. It looks like it might be getting powercrept, but I still think that it will be at least viable in the upcoming 700 cost meta. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:

Resident Evil 4 Remake, Ada's Theme

Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible


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