F-19 Stealth Fighter (North Cape strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (North Cape strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Mission 94, some missions are just grim. This one is a photo recon of a tank farm and a Krivak frigate. As the secondary, Krivak is closer, that is handled first. The ingress is just grim, the radars are horribly effective even at low speed and altitude, there are detections and ids from both SAM's and fighters.

Eventually the Krivak gets photographed and then it's south to the tank farm. Once that's photographed it's a slow 180 degree turn to the north heading to the coast then further north until the chance of detection from coastal radar is reduced.

Then it's an increase in speed and altitude for a slightly more fuel efficient run to the carrier and landing. Not sure what it was, but the coastal radars were miserable to navigate.


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