FIX Long and Short Vowels for DYSLEXIC and Struggling Readers

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These drills will teach the long and short vowels so that they will stick long term. You will also be able to print out a FREE word list that includes all the long and short vowels as well as instructions and additional information. These drills are perfect for children that have struggled with the long and short vowels as well as children that have been diagnosed with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, visual processing disorders, or other learning disabilities. Being unable to decode words with the long and short vowels in them is incredibly frustrating - these drills will end that frustration.

To get the long and short vowel word list:
Go to
Click "Blog" in the menu
Scroll down to the "Fix Long and Short Vowels" post
Click and scroll down to a link to the "downloads page"
Click links and download "Long and Short Vowel Word List," "Long and Short Vowel Instructions" and, if interested, "Evidence that Supports Keith's Instructional Methodology."

Children with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, visual processing challenges, ADHD, ASD, and other learning disabilities often struggle to learn the long and short vowels. Most often, they fixate on the short vowels. They read the long vowels as short vowels over and over again. Pail is read as pal, make is mak, tape is tap, proceed is proced...and on and on.

This drill will fix what I call, "long and short vowel confusion." This is how to teach the long and short vowels when the traditional methods have failed.

0:00 What You Get
0:32 Have Hope - This Will Lead to a Jump in Reading Abilities
1:06 Who This Is Not For
1:48 Print Out Your Word List (or do it later - up to you)
2:12 Look, Touch, and Say, to deal with dyslexia and auditory processing disorder
3:05 Short Vowel Drill
5:25 Highlighter Drill for Short Vowels
7:16 Why We Don't Teach All the Short Vowels at the Same Time
8:56 Long Vowel drill
10:48 Compare Long and Short Sound Immediately - Bounce
13:54 Interview With a Mom That is Running Drill
15:18 The Sounds the Long and Short Vowels Make
18:45 This is Huge
20:40 Children That Learn Differently, Should be Taught Differently

Teach your children to decode the long and short vowels


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