The Wasted Potential of Leafy

Описание к видео The Wasted Potential of Leafy

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Andrei Terbea - Lead Animator

Stefan Popa - Assistant Animator


Background track: "Delusional (Instrumental)" by Spring Gang
Outro song: Joakim Karud - "Loudness & Clarity"
   / joakimkarud  

After Leafy got banned on YouTube (and apparently just recently on Twitch), the situation has given rise to a lot of opinions - some happy, celebrating his takedown, some cautious about him being deplatformed, urging everyone to think twice before they pop their champagne. While there's reasonable arguments on both sides, today we take a look at why neither side is completely in the right, which arguments got lost in translation, and why when we draw the line, the whole thing is a giant waste of potential.


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