GBO2: Moon Gundam [Post Buff], Arctic Base

Описание к видео GBO2: Moon Gundam [Post Buff], Arctic Base

Moon Gundam Again... on Arctic Base again! It was Buffed in March so let us revisit this glorious MS yes?

The usual Recap! Moon Gundam was the 3rd 700 MS to be added to GBO2.
It's kit contained the Varguil Rifle that has a shotgun spread uncharged. It will stun someone if you are close enough, or you can fully charge for a beam shot that stuns instantly. the rifle comes with a grenade launcher attached for an instant stun. Alternatively, The Long Moon Beam Rifle is also an option, you lose the shotgun ability for an insta stun uncharged, and a piercing shot when fully charged with higher damage output. As usual You got vulcans, pretty standard. You got a beam tomahawk that has the standard federation swings. Butterfly's Edge which is the same that Varguil gets, these count as melee damage so they go right through Nu shields, and stop all forms of MA with/without Damage Control. Your big ticket item is the Moon plates. They have two modes, launch and defense. In Launch mode you lock on to someone and they will then go out and attack that target in a straight line Horizontally. If positioned right you can have most or all your plates land while they are toppled. In defense mode your plates make a shield that surrounds you. It will block EVERYTHING till the max HP it absorbs is reached. Time this right and you can melee someone right after they meleed you, but they will hit your shield, you hit them directly.

This suit is over 2 years old at this point, And when it first came out it was pretty good. And would remain in a healthy spot, UNTIL Unicorn and Banshee dropped. Those MS would ruin the cost, with Unicorn getting a 85% Use rate, THATS INSANE. Even the Dev's were shocked by this. What was worse is that the Dev's even buffed Moon they patch Unicorn dropped, knowing fully well it would be the most effected by NT-D. The buffs did little to nothing to help Moon, or any other 700 suit for that matter. Hell, even the supports were struggling. thanks to NT-D your plates were disabled for 30 seconds, If there was shit timing you could be out of your plates for a loooooong ass time. Thankfully, NT-D and eventually Unicorn would be nerfed. Making 700 overall healthy again.

Now moon has received a lot of buffs in the past, too many to list to be honest. check out my other Moon video if you wanna see pre-buffed Moon. Moon was also in a healthy state... till Banshee-Norn dropped, which smashed the balanced button for 700... but BB came to the rescue! In March of 2024 it got buffs yet again! this time a lot. Its HP went from 21500 to 23000, Leg buffer changed from lvl 2 to lvl 3, and force injector lvl 2 to lvl 3. The Varguil Rifle got an extra beam fired from its shotgun from 6 to 7 now, making it more consistent. And it also got extended hit detection for focused fire, now hitting a target was easier. It long rifle Heat rate went from 75% to 70%, OH from 20 seconds to 15, Focus shorted from 3.5 to just 3 seconds. Reduced Heat rate when focused, and stagger accumulation when focused. Its tomahawk gained power from 2900 to 3050, and combo attack compensation increased. The vulcans gained more stun value, Its butterflies edge went from 1500 to 1750, reload from 12 seconds to 8, and extended hit detection to make it easier to hit someone. The plates animation time was shortened when launched, Plates Defend Oh went from 20 seconds to 16, Its grenade launcher got increased projectile speed, and stun accumulation. And Its skill, Psycho plate Resonance, gained increased compensation in melee attack, and decreased thruster use. These buffs REALLY Enhanced moon to the point its scary to fight one that's good, really good. It's THE raid killer, THE best Close combat fighter, THE HP Shredder.

Overall, Moon Gundam Arguably is meta again, depending on who you ask of course. I say its meta on most maps where you know you will be fighting face to face often. Alternatively, if you got a solid team to push with, You can use it then. The extra beam added to the Varguil rifle really really helps it, Making it the more preferred option over the Moon rifle. Seriously I'm glad i get to play this MS again in a high competitive setting. This suit was my main before unicorn and Norn, And i will gladly play it once more.

In the first fight I got lucky! Sero was on my team who is also a really good player. So we both carried the team hard. He got 167K, and got away with a lot of heavy attacks lol. I tried to set him up at the start for the HWS, but the damn Sinanju got in the way :c. The second fight was interesting, I don't really expect to see a lvl 4 X1, but damn no one tackled him most of the time. I also fucked up once when fighting the guy, didn't make that mistake again lol.


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