Inside the University of Oregon's Bowerman Sports Science Center

Описание к видео Inside the University of Oregon's Bowerman Sports Science Center

The ‪@uoregon‬'s Bowerman Sports Science Center, located at Hayward Field on the UO's Eugene campus, is a regional research and outreach facility that aims to improve the health, fitness, and well-being of individuals. With the help of equipment and facilities available in few other places in the world, faculty researchers measure the body in motion, the impact of environmental factors on the body, and the impact of clothing and accessories to improve athletic performance while teaching us all about general health and wellness. By studying Eugene community members as well as elite athletes, the center helps inform our communities to make better decisions about health policy and personal health choices.

This video is part of a series of short documentaries about UO sport and wellness initiatives produced by a team of UO School of Journalism and Communication students under the guidance of SOJC alum Lucas Hamilton ’20. The 1- to 5-minute interview-driven videos, which feature various types of footage including interviews with subjects, video subjects in action, and aerial footage, will be available for broadcast by international media covering the World Athletics Championships Oregon22 (WCH Oregon22).

Learn more about the Bowerman Sports Science Center:

Learn more about SOJC students' contributions to WCH Oregon22:


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